Sanity Daily

Unseen Trauma: Domestic Violence Impact on Women’s Mental Health

Domestic Violence Impact on Women's Mental Health

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects countless women worldwide, causing physical harm, and emotional distress, and leaving behind deep scars. While the physical wounds may heal, the mental and emotional toll of domestic violence often goes unseen, but its impact can be profound. Domestic violence inflicts invisible wounds on women, leaving lasting imprints […]

Here Are A Few Life Lessons Worth Keeping Post-Pandemic

Life Lessons Worth Keeping Post-Pandemic

Life is full of many transitions. True enough, we made countless shifts here and there brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, and as the vaccines are being rolled out in pursuit of a virus-free environment, what have been some of the most valuable lessons we learned throughout the course of the global health crisis that […]

6 Ways to Love Yourself: Because Self-Love is Self-Preserving

Ways to Love Yourself

Society often emphasizes the need to care for others. Although you need to look after your loved ones, don’t prioritize their needs forgetting your own. But what is learning to love yourself? Contrary to popular belief, loving yourself isn’t about selfishness. Instead, loving yourself involves attending to your wants, so you have enough love to […]

The Importance of Self-Love in Relationships: 6 Important Things to Know

Importance of Self-Love in Relationships

When we don’t have a good relationship with ourselves, it can be hard to build one with somebody else. Self-care tips can improve mental health and help us love ourselves more, which can improve relationships. Let’s talk about the Importance of Self-Love in Relationships. Knowing your own worth is not always easy. We all crave […]

5 Ways To Cut Off From The Toxic Relationships Of Your Life

How to cut off from the toxic relationships of your life?

There are a lot of things that differentiate human beings from animals. Of course, some biological similarities are there. Yet, the human mind and the ability to connect, nurture, and love makes it more well-groomed. And, when we combine all these characteristics of human beings, relationships come into play. How to cut off from the toxic […]

The Role of Parents in the Education of Their Child

Role of Parents in the Education of Their Child

The role of parents in the education of their child is such that parents are the first teachers of a child. Education starts at home, followed by formal education at school and so on. For formal education, kids still require help and support from their parents. The starting of education is from schools when you […]

Here Are A Few Stigmas Attached to Men and Mental Health

men and mental health stigma

Let us talk about men and mental health stigma! In India, men are still under the burden of being the sole/primary providers for their families, they are expected to be successful and high-earning, they are expected to perform well academically while also taking an active interest in sports. Ask a young man, between the ages […]

If You Think Wellness is Expensive, Try Illness

Health costs

Description: Health costs are always epic high. Making matters worse, the wellness of Americans is on a sharp decline. How big is the problem, and what are our viable solutions to wholesome living? Stay with us and find out more about this common problem. If You Think Knowledge is Expensive, Try Ignorance at Your Health […]

Find Out More About Debt and Mental Health Connection!

Debt and Mental Health Connection

Description: Almost every borrower faces issues related to debt once in a while. But did you know the debt and mental health connection is for real? Are you eager to learn more? If yes, then stay hooked until the end! The Debt and Mental Health Connection With the increased popularity of the credit market, people […]

Tips For Helping Your Kids Deal With Depression and Anxiety

helping your kids deal with depression and anxiety

How hard is helping your kids deal with depression and anxiety? We have seen the young generation coping with depression and anxiety more than ever. But how can we solve this issue? Is there any way parents can help their kids? This blog is a reminder for all parents who are supporting their kids dealing […]