Sanity Daily

20 Mental Health Tips to Survive COVID 19

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Mental Health Tips to survive COVID 19, because we all need it. In January 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of a new coronavirus disease, COVID-19, to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

I am from India and residing in a metropolitan city, I got acquainted with COVID 19 in March when I was hospitalized for a severe lung infection. After that its history, just spread like a fire it was a state of panic and fear among citizens due to less awareness and more fear.

Soon COVID-19 was declared a pandemic and it started generating stress throughout the population. In this blog, I will try to remind you of a few steps to support your mental and psychosocial well-being.

How is COVID 19 affecting our mental health?

We always wanted some free time for ourselves and wanted to pursue so many things in that free time. For once we are blessed with a lot of time but many of us are finding it awfully difficult to pass the time. For many, this time has proven to be a testing time. How? Ever since it was declared a complete lockdown people got stuck where they were. Some were travelling, some came to visit relatives, some went on a business trip, and some just got stuck with the wrong company.

For someone who is staying locked down in their own house with toxic in-laws, it is another level of challenge. In our regular life at least people go out and we go out, but in lockdown, we are staying together 24*7, how will it not impact our mental health? I just hope these mental health tips to survive COVID 19 help the one who is struggling hard to deal with nasty in-laws in this time of isolation.

This set of mental health tips to survive COVID 19 will also help to regain the inner balance of the one who is staying with a toxic spouse/partner during this time. The increased rate of reported domestic abuse and violence will surprise you and make you heart-wrench.

How do we stay sane amid this lockdown when everything is going haywire? With the rising number of cases and the whole economy going into deep soup, it will take a lot of time to cover the collateral damage this COVID-19 brought to the whole world.

Some say it’s a conspiracy, some say it’s a scientific experiment gone wrong, and some also advocate various political theories but the truth is that damage is done and over lacs of people have died due to this pandemic and for some families, life will never be the same. Who knows the inside stories, what people are going through in their personal lives? In this blog, let us help ourselves a little by taking a few measures for ourselves and our own people.

Mental Health Tips

20 Mental Health Tips to Survive COVID 19

Coronavirus has successfully managed to bash the human lifestyle in so many ways. It has got us to a situation wherein we have accepted that nothing is permanent in this universe. No matter how much we plan and foresee things, life has got its plan. The universe has got its own way of making us aware of its existence. Things we take granted for, become things we crave in no moment. With so much going on around us it is natural for all of us to feel anxious and irritated and trust me it is going to take a while to return back to normalcy.

Have you ever counted stars lying on your terrace? Have you ever taken the time to appreciate the little things in life? This is the time, if you have never indulged in this little happiness of your life, do it now, it will only bring a peaceful smile to your face. Here are 20 mental health tips to survive COVID 19, I hope you find them useful for your perusal:

1.) Accept the situation
2.) Show empathy to people who have COVID-19
3.) Minimize the content overload
4.) Keep a personal check on your near ones
5.) Connect to positive people
6.) Exercise and keep yourself moving
7.) Use this time for personal care
8.) Make maximum use of technology
9.) Keep yourself engaged with children
10.) Stick to a daily routine
11.) Make sure you have adequate medical supplies
12.) Play role exchange with kids
13.) Take this time as an opportunity
14.) Work on your passion
15.) It is ok to not feel ok
16.) Read positive books 
17.) Listen to TED talks, watch meaningful videos
18.) Remember, This shall too pass
19.) Entertain your family members
20.) Seek help when in distress

Mental Health Tips

1.) Accept the situation

The biggest stressor is that we keep thinking about the problem and how it is affecting us but we totally become unfair to the situation by not accepting it. When we accept the situation we make even with it. We try to focus on the solution and then staying at home and seeing this as a solution to save ourselves from getting contaminated seems to be a little comfort. 

2.) Show empathy to people who have COVID-19

There have been a lot of misconceptions and rumors related to coronavirus and especially the ones who get infected are labeled as victims, they are not victims, they are people who survived it or maybe lost their lives. I have seen people reacting in weird ways to the family of the person who was diagnosed corona positive. Do not lose humanity in the process, show empathy, and be compassionate.

3.) Minimize the content overload

If you feel overwhelmed by too much news on television and social media platforms. Take a break and minimize your consumption of daily news. It might lead to a lot of distress and anxiousness. Just stay updated but do not hover over the numbers and updates. We cannot do anything except for sitting at home for a while. Minimize content overload and create room for other things.

4.) Keep a personal check on your near ones

It is very important to keep a check on your own people, call them, message them, and be there for them virtually. Share ways of cooking easy things, and share what you are doing in such time. Just keep them involved so that they don’t feel isolated, especially the ones who are staying alone.

5.) Connect to positive people

There are always a few people who don’t shy away from being a spoilsport even in such a critical situation. Who is so expert in gaslighting others and manipulating your thought process? Tagging things to religious context and spreading rumors, once you recognize them stay away from them and stick to positive people who spread joy and light in such tough times.

6.) Exercise and keep yourself moving

A very important thing to follow. The best of all the mental health tips and tricks. A little bit of exercise and physical activity will help you stay active during the daytime. Many of us are working from home during the lockdown with very little mobility and it somehow slows our system.

7.) Use this time for personal care

We always used to complain that we don’t get time to take care of ourselves and now in spite of having so much time in our hands, we lack self-care/personal care. It is obvious that we lack energy, zing, and willingness to do something because of the atmosphere right now but if we look at the brighter, we have a lot of time which we can use for our own advantage, so please make use of it, you will never get it again.

8.) Make maximum use of technology

Technology is all we have in our hands and the best way to stay connected to the outside world and cutting on time is by making maximum usage of technology. Indulge in video calls, group calls with friends and relatives. Create memories by recording videos. Sign up for a course from online resources, watch movies, and listen to your favorite songs or podcasts. Just make the most of it and you will have a lot to do.

9.) Keep yourself engaged with children

Children are the best and biggest getaway. They always need your time and attention and this is the best time to spend most with them. They will be happy and you will be calmer. Just imagine how your kids might be feeling stuck inside the house, my little one gets furious from time to time and then I sit with her do some craft, watch her favorite show or dance together, she feels overjoyed and you feel refreshed.

10.) Stick to a daily routine

We are missing our normal routine but somehow most of us are lazying around and cribbing about the day. Stop waking up anxious every day and be grateful for waking up alive and kicking. Stick to a routine and structure your day it will help you to form a new normal.

11.) Make sure you have adequate medical supplies

For those who are under medical treatment and need medical constant attention and care, please seek help and keep your stock ready. Do not hesitate to ask for help, In a time of uncertainty, it is ok to be vulnerable to basic needs.

12.) Play role exchange with kids

Kids love this, I will tell you from my personal experience, my 6-year-old always loves it when I role-play a teaching game with her, where she is my teacher then I am the teacher. It helps us to keep them engaged and pass some learning also without being controlling.

13.) Take this time as an opportunity

Mental health tips for staying sane are to keep ourselves engaged. Take this as an opportunity to learn new things, invest in yourself, and upgrade your existing skills. Connect with old friends, and declutter old stuff. Read books and focus on good things in your life.

14.) Work on your passion

I was always passionate about writing and I took writing into my stride when my baby girl was on. Today it is my profession and even in this lockdown, I don’t miss anything because my passion wakes me up and keeps me going. It is important to have something of your own, which you love to do.

15.) It is ok to not feel ok

In times like these, it is ok to not feel ok. It is ok to feel low and disturbed. Take responsibility for your feelings and make efforts to overcome them. In times of crisis and critical situations, it is natural to go through various emotions, hold on and things will be fine soon. Keep breathing.

16.) Read positive books 

Books have the power to take us to another world. When we read a fiction book we isolate ourselves from the outer world and start relating to the characters of the book, it is no less than an escapade. Pick up a book or you can also read an ebook.

17.) Listen to TED talks, watch meaningful videos

There are lots of motivational talks available on the internet by spiritual leaders and survivors. Listening to such videos helps to gain strength and motivates us to get back to life and do something. Choose your content and watch out for what you see, and how it impacts your growth.

18.) Remember, This shall too pass

Keep telling this to yourself. This shall too pass. The biggest of all mental health tips is to start believing that nothing is permanent, the only change is the constant thing we go through in life. Take life as it comes and see things as it is.

19.) Entertain your family members

Will you ever get such peaceful and abundant time to spend with your family, come on, who is judging you? Every day plan some activities, play indoor games, song games, and guessing games, it will bring a breath of fresh air in the home environment.

20.) Seek help when in distress

I would also suggest, those who are already going through certain mental illnesses and are finding it difficult to cope with COVID-19 effects, it is advisable to seek professional help, there are many online counseling services available for immediate help. Do reach out.

In the end, I would say, whoever is reading the blog and is feeling too anxious or agitated due to the present situation. Remember this too shall pass. We will get over this. Do reach out to someone you feel comfortable with. Do not let this isolation kill the beauty of your day. You can also email me and I will try my best to listen to you being non-judgemental.

I am not a therapist. But I do possess a lot of compassion and can empathize with people in pain and suffering. Please take care. Stay home, stay safe, and stay sane.

Picture of Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi is the founder of Sanity Daily and the creator of The Therapeutic Journal. Priyanka is quoted as one of the top mental health bloggers and is a finalist in the UK 40 under 40 award. A digital nomad, published author and an NLP practitioner, helping you prioritise your mental health.
Picture of Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi is the founder of Sanity Daily and the creator of The Therapeutic Journal. Priyanka is quoted as one of the top mental health bloggers and is a finalist in the UK 40 under 40 award. A digital nomad, published author and an NLP practitioner, helping you prioritise your mental health.

2 Responses

  1. It feels like our current situation won’t end soon, especially because we have these new variants, and that’s why I can’t help but feel paranoid. Well, I guess you are also right that it’s alright to feel various emotions; after all, we’re all human beings. Anyhow, in my opinion, maybe it would be best to seek help from a counseling service that may ease the anxiety.

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