
9 Key Takeaways From The Maleficent Year 2020

key takeaways from the year 2020

What are your key takeaways from the year 2020? While we are busy criticizing and blaming the year 2020 for all the things bad and horrible happening to us, have we by any chance derived some life lessons from this year? Although this year 2020 sucked, I have had a few life-changing realizations which I […]

13 Reasons We Must Talk About Mental Health: Hard-Hitting Truths

reasons we must talk about mental health

Are you looking for reasons we must talk about mental health? Aren’t we all going through it personally or around us already?  Although this year is publicly termed as the worst of all, this year 2020 has been a successful curtain-raiser to give us a sneak peek around the mental health requirements of an individual […]

What Are The Common Causes Of Stress In Men

Common causes of stress in men

In order to make it more real and acceptable to your ears that men can be stressed too, I collected real data from real men, and to my surprise, even women joined. On the contrary, as we live in an ignorant society I also got responses like men can’t be stressed they just cause stress. This attitude needs a little more sensitization in order to raise awareness in society and prevent rising suicide rates in men over the last few years. 

Are You An Emotional Masochist? Everything You Need To Know About Emotional Masochism

emotional masochist 

Who is an emotional masochist? Can someone really find pleasure in pain? Can someone like being in that self-inflicted zone of dismay and sorrow? Emotional Masochism is like an emotional attachment to your pain. Sometimes it is a forced-choice or sometimes it is an unconscious choice, and for some people, it just becomes a pattern […]

10 Signs Your Partner Has Anxiety issues and 7 Powerful Ways You can Help Them

How to help your partner with anxiety?

Anxiety or any other mental illness can occur to anyone at any point of life, sometimes there could be deep reasons behind it, like childhood trauma or any prolonged abuse and sometimes there could be no reason at all. But Mental Illness is for real and could turn your world upside down.
In this blog, we will specifically talk about how to help your partner with anxiety and save our relationships for any damage. We can still make a beautiful story if we play our roles with full responsibility.

7 Mindful Ways To Deal With A Partner Suffering from Anxiety

How to deal with a partner suffering from anxiety?

How to deal with a partner suffering from anxiety? Does this question bother you? Do you feel agitated looking at your partner’s behavior?
It will be very unrealistic if I say that these things are normal and you got to be strong, rather I will say that anxiety and any form of mental illness are like invisible wounds that the sufferer carries inside them it starts affecting others due to their mysterious behavior and approach towards the day to day life.

11 Leading Causes of Mental Health Issues In Women

Causes of mental health issues in women

Causes of prolonged stress could be anything and everything right from a broken relationship, an unfulfilling career, inferiority complex, troubling in-laws, financial stress, or any baggage of the past. But they need attention!


psychological impact of COVID-19

The psychological impact of COVID-19 on our mental health is increasing day by day. It has been almost a year now since we are fighting this pandemic. Initially, people were hopeful and trying to engage themselves in different activities to divert their minds from the fear and stress COVID-19 bought with itself. Now, when we […]