7 Life-Changing NLP Practices To Adopt In Your Daily Life

I personally benefitted from the life-changing NLP practices, when I enrolled for an NLP training session last year. It was a detailed and exhaustive course of 4 months which required brain alertness and open-mindedness to learn and unlearn a few things about myself.

I am an NFNLP certified NLP practitioner and this practice has made me more aware of myself. NLP was co-founded and developed by two brilliant men –Richard Bandler (A Computer Expert, Mathematician and Psychologist) and John Grinder (A Prominent Linguist), in the early 1970’s.

NLP has made its impact in the field of therapy, helping improve people’s health, relationships, business, advertising, politics, seminars, sports, performance, schools, learning, law etc. By providing us with ways to change our beliefs about ourselves, with new tools, new questions and thus new answers.

There are various practices, exercises and techniques which can help us break certain patterns we have created for ourselves, get rid of limiting beliefs that hinder our own path and see our world from a different perspective. The best part of learning NLP techniques and practising them is that it never overpromises or falsifies the perception, it just helps you to see things in a way that you get some answers you have been looking for.

7 Life-Changing NLP Practices

Our mind is divided into two distinct phases, conscious and subconscious mind. The conscious mind learns through observations, experience and information whereas the subconscious mind is controlled by the direction of the conscious mind.

In NLP, we refer to the Conscious Mind as the instructor and the Unconscious Mind as the Doer. It is imperative that we build a strong relationship between our conscious and our unconscious minds and let our unconscious minds do the behaviours.

NLP is a different way of looking at the world, which can help us create more useful and richer maps. These maps are not true or false. They are either useful or not useful. And based on this very thought I am going to share about the 7 life-changing NLP practices which I follow regularly and have derived amazing results from it.

life-changing NLP practises

1.) Presuppositions

Our world around us is mostly defined by how we SEE it. I learned about 12 presuppositions and they are no less than a set of positive self-affirmations for me. Presuppositions are like raw unfiltered statements, that help us to see things as it is, it help us from generalising situations and also act as a reminder that we cannot control others.

Two of my favourite presuppositions out of the life-changing NLP practices are;

  • People already have all the resources they need to make any change
  • We can not not communicate, we are always communicating, and we cannot not respond.

2.) Dissociation

Dissociation refers to being able to view oneself in the situation as if it were a slide or a movie. To get an experience of disassociation, now just watch yourself sitting in a Giant Wheel, and see your situation as a third person. Step out from the situation and observe without being judgemental.

Trust me it gives a better view of any given situation and reduces its intensity.

3.) New Behaviour Generator

The New Behaviour Generator is a very powerful technique to try on any behaviour and rehearse it inside yourself before making it your own. While practising the desired behaviour, you are able to adapt and change and mould it until you are satisfied.

4.) Anchoring

Anchoring in NLP refers to the process of associating an internal response with some external or internal trigger so that the response may be quickly, and sometimes covertly, re-accessed, this way you set up a response pattern so that you can feel the way you want to when you need to.

5.) The Circle Of Excellence or Magic Circle

The purpose of this exercise is to create and carry with you, your own states of excellence. This technique is very useful for you to access is the best and resources you want in most situations. You can do this for a task that you find challenging and want more resources or you can do this for a task you are already excellent in and want to do even better. This is a great method for accessing resources such as confidence when you need them.

6.) Reframing

Reframing is taking a different perspective on a given situation. For example: Seeing a delay on your train as an opportunity to catch up on your reading, rather than being annoyed.

There are two main types of reframing:

1. Content Reframing – Content Reframing involves changing the given meaning of the experience.

2. Context Reframing- Context Reframing involves separating the context of the behaviour and transferring it to another context where the behaviour may be more useful.

7.) Self-Awareness Exercise

A basic self-awareness exercise helps us stay aware of our thoughts and feelings. It helps us to own our present state and be more aware of the possible outcomes.

How NLP is a Way of Life?

I recently interviewed my NLP trainer Sriram Thyagrajan. He is a certified Master Practitioner from NFNLP, USA. I have learned a lot from him and interviewing him in my Mental Health series was an honour.

In this video, he has shared some valuable insights and simple practices, which we can apply in our daily lives. Do check out this video.


To conclude, I would say these life-changing NLP practices only work when you deliberately choose to practice them. Each practice has its own way of working, its own flow and unique outcome with a common goal – Self-Improvement. I hope this post helps you to understand NLP and give you a different perspective on life.

Love and light


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