Sanity Daily

15 Layers of Self-Discovery | Day 1 | Advice

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Have you ever questioned your purpose of living? Have you visualized your ideal self? Have you explored your inner equanimity? Don’t you think it would be a great journey to head on? A journey to self?

The journey to self-love begins with self-discovery. The day you realize your true worth and gain the courage to accept yourselves in the exact shape, size, and mental stature you are in, you begin the journey of self-discovery.

This journey could be tiring but it surely leads to YOU. In the process, you realize how long you have been keeping yourself away from a human residing inside you because you were too busy pleasing, meeting, and admiring humans around you.

What is self-discovery?

Is it that Et Voila moment or Unagi moment or that Eureka moment? It is none of these and all of these. Self-discovery is the path we choose when we realize that we need some answers and instead of believing what others tell us, we try to find our own truth. Self-awareness!

You travel places, meet people, blank stare at the sky, and sit in nature just to seek, to connect with yourself, and find those answers. For some, it might appear to be a too spiritual journey, for some, it might be a result of sudden realization followed by life events and for some, it is just an experiencing event. But in any case, this journey helps to shed the layers of myths, limiting beliefs, and judgement parameters we have been accumulating all our lives.

Having said that, all this month of April, I will be talking about self-discovery, its importance, and how you can discover yourself. I will try to keep it as simple and as workable as possible. I want my readers to follow everything I state here, with me. Without judgments and doubts.

If you ask me, writing has helped me to discover a lot about myself. My thoughts and feelings flow out through words and I feel cathartic. The more I write, the more I feel lighter. Having a purpose attached to my passion for writing has helped me to stay self-motivated.

It is when I chose to write about mental health and self-improvement, I truly started living. I might have discovered a few corners of my self and there remains a lot to discover, layer by layer.

Let us begin with Self-discovery journey, unlock the full potential of life and unleash our true-self.

advice to your younger self
15 Layers of Self-Discovery | Day 1 | Advice 1

Self- discovery Task for Day 1 – Advice to your younger self

I encourage you to keep a notepad handy while you do this exercise so that you can actually work on it. If you want to join me in this journey of self-discovery, then I challenge you to do these exercises every day with me. I promise you, towards the end, you will feel lighter and you will learn more about yourself than ever before!

If you could give one ADVICE to your younger self, what would you say?

Write down the immediate thoughts, you don’t have to frame or structure the sentences right away. Just let your thoughts flow freely, let them be raw and non-judgemental. I am sure there are a lot of things you wished you would have or you wouldn’t have done, and you carry a lot of baggage with you.

This is the time to shed the excess baggage and relieve yourself from the anger, resentment, guilt, or disappointments, this is the time to tell your younger self, “Hey! it’s ok, you made mistakes but you learned from them”. This is the time to tell him/her that, “Learn to say No to things that don’t spark any joy in your life”.

Just a heartfelt little piece of advice to your younger self, on a piece of paper, read it aloud and tear it into as many pieces you can. Then, take a deep breath, look around, stay with that feeling. Release yourself from that excess baggage you have been holding for so long.

Welcome, to the first step towards the journey of self-discovery. See you tomorrow. Be ready!


advice to your younger self
15 Layers of Self-Discovery | Day 1 | Advice 2

Priyanka Nair is the author of 26 Days 26 Ways for a Happier you and Ardhaviram. An NLP practitioner and Founder of Sanity Daily, helping you prioritize your mental health. Let’s build a happy community.

Picture of Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi is the founder of Sanity Daily and the creator of The Therapeutic Journal. Priyanka is quoted as one of the top mental health bloggers and is a finalist in the UK 40 under 40 award. A digital nomad, published author and an NLP practitioner, helping you prioritise your mental health.
Picture of Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi

Priyanka Joshi is the founder of Sanity Daily and the creator of The Therapeutic Journal. Priyanka is quoted as one of the top mental health bloggers and is a finalist in the UK 40 under 40 award. A digital nomad, published author and an NLP practitioner, helping you prioritise your mental health.

10 Responses

  1. this is an inspirational read for someone like me who keeps on looking ways to discover myself. I am definitely looking forward to your next post.

      1. Today i found some deeply things about me what i did in my past all wrong and right but after this excercise i feel vry light lile nthing is end i have a time to do correct things nd do some gud stuff thnx a lot mam for helping me nd like all people 😇

  2. I wish to tell so many things to my younger self.
    1. Stop worrying about parents and society kya sochegi. I have carried this baggage till a couple of years ago. I spent a good part of my life with this… I was always a brilliant child and people might think that, ” She doesn’t need to think about others. She is perfect.” But i know that this supposedly perfect girl had some dreams she never even dared to watch with open eyes.
    2. Invest in friendship and networking too. this is not to my younger self but to my married self. I suddenly lost touch with my friends and invested all my time to the marriage. 8 years later, I regret for not keeping in touch with some of the best friends i made in school and college. And now i am hesitant to rekindle that friendship. I don’t know why i suddenly changed.

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