9 Types of Mothers in Law that Exist in India

Types of Indian mothers in law that exist are of various kinds. Each type is different from the other. As a woman, you should know the kind of mother in law you have landed with or will land up in the future. Be aware enough to choose the kind who respects you as a person.

The numerous types of mothers in law that exist in India are of 9 kinds. It is important to know and deeply understand each one of them. It will surely make your life easier. In the current blog, each of these categories will be covered in full detail.

For any household, the relationship between a daughter in law and a mother in law is important. This is obviously in addition to the husband and wife relationship. Some individuals hit the jackpot while others don’t. The good news is that you too can stay aware of your mother in law. This will help you understand her and hence you can bridge all gaps in the relationship.

9 Types of Indian Mothers in Law

Types of Indian mothers in law

Let us learn about the different types of Indian mothers in law, an understanding which will help us maintain a subtle approach while dealing with her. We all stress ourselves over how to deal with a mother in law but knowing a type would help to deal with her without wasting a lot of energy.  Sharing in detail about the 9 types of mothers in law that exist in India, let us see what we have got here:

The compassionate mother in law
The evolved mother in law
The nosy mother in law
The needy mother in law
The greedy mother in law
The fearful mother in law – traditions
The arrogant mother in law 
The perfectionist mother in law
The controlling mother in law

1.) The compassionate mother in law

A compassionate mother in law will be a woman filled with love, empathy, and affection for you. The fact that you are married to her son will be a matter of kindness for her. She will do every bit possible to make you her own. She will make an effort to genuinely provide you with love like your own mother. Having a compassionate mother in law will keep you at peace and sane at all times.

2.) The evolved mother in law

An evolved mother in law is a secure and independent woman to not only accepts a new member of her family but also respects her. She will be intellectually bright as an individual and will truly understand the meaning of starting a new life and having one’s own space. She is the best kind of mother in law to have. If you have such a mother in law, you have surely hit the jackpot. An evolved mother in law is the best of the 9 types of Indian mothers in law.

3.) The nosy mother in law

A nosy mother in law is in the habit of poking her nose in every life decision concerning you, your husband, and also your children. She doesn’t have much to do in her own life and hence wants to keep interfering to have a say in everything. Having a nosy mother in law can prove to be a constant headache. Try to help her out with this attitude.

Types of Indian mothers in law

4.) The needy mother in law 

A needy mother in law is surely an insecure person inside. Hence, she constantly wants to seek emotional support from her husband and you. More with your husband actually i.e. her son. She doesn’t have respect for boundaries and will consider it a norm to be needy with emotions. She will not understand that needs are for everyone. Having a needy mother in law is irksome.

5.) The greedy mother in law

A greedy mother in law is somebody who will consider her right to take dowry, gifts, and other materialistic assets from the bride’s side as her right. She is obviously someone whose own parents and husband didn’t care for her needs. Hence, she will take her deep-seated issues to the bride’s side. Having a greedy mother in law is a terrible thing and you must stand against any vicious demands. A greedy MIL is the worst kind of the 9 types of Indian mothers in law.

6.) The fearful mother in law  

A fearful mother in law is somebody who will constantly fear everything. Things like you taking away her son from her forever will bother her. She will even fear having a new person in the house. She just won’t be able to adjust. In fact, she will end up being jealous of you. You should know the traits of a jealous mother in law. Having a fearful mother in law can be exhausting.

7.) The arrogant mother in law 

An arrogant mother in law will be full of herself. She will always consider the daughter in law as beneath her. Many times, she will even claim that her daughter in law is not good enough for her son. Her arrogance actually stems from her deep underlying inferiority complex. This is exactly why she acts superior all the time. Having an arrogant mother in law can be demeaning on so many levels.

8.) The perfectionist mother in law

A perfectionist mother in law will aim for excellence in everything. This can be both a good and bad thing. Good because she will accept you graciously. Bad because even good work from your end might not be as good as per her expectations. Either way, she is surely a good mother in law to have. After all, she is working towards the growth of every member of the household. A perfectionist mother in law is a decent one of the 9 types of Indian mothers in law.

9.) The controlling mother in law

A controlling mother in law will act like a boss all the time. However, you will not receive any salary because she obviously thinks of you as unpaid labour. Being in control of everybody’s life is a terrible habit and hence a controlling mother in law can cause a lot of negativity in the house. As a member of the family, make an effort to help her evolve. Ask your husband to intervene as well.

Choosing ‘Your Kind’ of Mother in Law

As much as you find this exciting, choosing ‘your kind’ of mother in law is not really in your hand. Just as choosing any other relationship isn’t in your hands. What surely is in your hands is to forge a good relationship.

If you end up with your kind of mother in law, make sure you stay nice at all times. If not, make sure you stay assertive at all times. One way or the other, clear the path towards your ‘self’ and the emotional health of your family. 

A self-respecting daughter in law goes a long way in creating a self-respecting home. I truly wish more women realize this. The ultimate test of character is not in sacrificing but in respecting your own self and helping everybody scale above.

Handling 9 Types of Mothers in Law in India

After learning the types of Indian mothers in law, the more at ease you are with any kind of mother in law, the better it will be for you. Don’t stress yourself out unnecessarily. Changing people’s behaviour isn’t in your hands. But inspiring them to change theirs surely is.

Depending solely on the kind of mother in law that you’ve landed with from the above 9 types of Indian mothers in law, think about practical ways of handling her. At the end of the day, she needs to be in absolute control of her attitude and mannerisms. Therefore, the responsibility for improvement should lie more on her than on you.

Having said that, you keep doing your bit. A happy household goes a long way in one’s happiness. So strive for it.

Lots of love and gratitude


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