10 Reasons To Be Ok For Being Imperfect as a Woman

How to be ok for being imperfect and accept ourselves? Why is there a need of being perfect in everything we do? Why are we judged on our ability to do things perfectly?

The more we accept that being perfect is ok the more this world becomes an easy place to survive. Every woman in the world is beautifully imperfect and as we accept ourselves the better our mental health becomes.

In this blog, let us talk about how we should accept ourselves with the little limitations we have and yet live an imperfectly happy life.

How to be ok for being imperfect as a woman?

The ones who know me, call me an organized and neatness freak, I like everything in order, maybe that is my definition of perfectionism in doing things and keeping things in order. The first thing I do after I wake up is, I prepare a daily to-do list and I want to accomplish as many of them. Sometimes when I lose track of things and fail to accomplish them, the world still survives, no one gives a damn about my to-do list and I wonder is it ok to be imperfect at times? 

Is it ok to slow down and take a breather? Is it ok to do things at your own pace and let things fall in place gradually? I think the answer lies in how much you are willing to drop the level of your perfectionism mantra. 

How to be ok for being imperfect

10 Reasons To Be Ok For Being Imperfect as a Woman

I have accepted the fact that being perfect in everything we do is not plausible. If perfection was the aim of life then God would have made us that way and would not have given us this life full of struggle, sadness, happiness, sorrow, grief, failures, and joy. Perfection could be constant yet temporary, we have to continuously thrive for it,  maybe that’s the beauty of life.

So if you want to find the purpose of your life and take charge of it, here are 10 reasons on how to be ok for being imperfect:

1.)  It helps you understand your limitations
2.)  It helps you define deadlines
3.)  It helps you take action
4.)  It helps you understand yourself
5.)  It helps you to stay real
6.)  It pushes you to thrive
7.)  It helps you stay in the game
8.)  It helps you to be mindful
9.)  It helps you ignore little imperfections around you
10.)  It helps you to be you


1.)  It helps you understand your limitations

We don’t want to talk about it, right? Talking about our limitations makes us feel week and vulnerable. Why is it so hard to accept our weaknesses and work on them, when we go behind fixing things in order to look perfect, present perfect things and display a perfect house, we forget that we have our limitations too.

We stretch ourselves and we totally ignore the bandwidth we are incorporated with.

2.)  It helps you define deadlines

When you know your limitations, you set realistic goals and you set a realistic timeline to finish them. A woman’s job is not easy we all know that but when go with the bandwagon of that lady with multiple hands portraying a perfect picture of a multitasking woman we often fall for it. 

That should certainly not your goal, your daily goals revolve around your lifestyle, your family, and your ability to cope up with the number of tasks in your hands.

3.)  It helps you take action

How to be ok for being imperfect? By taking actionable steps and learning to say no. In the process of pleasing others and not able to say no we take a lot of tasks in her hands and then we feel pressured and stressed.

I can understand while living with in-laws you cannot say anything, but you can at least define your own pace to complete all the daily chores and tasks in hand.

4.)  It helps you understand yourself

Striving for constant perfection leads to lower self-esteem. You will always have something to complain about and there would always flaws around you which you would want to see perfect.

But the reality is that we all are a work in progress, we make mistakes, we learn from them, we make other mistakes, sometimes we learn nothing and we still move on.  There would be always a flaw that needs to fix and worked upon but take this as a process and you will be amazed to see how it is helping to understand yourself.

5.)  It helps you to stay real

Setting realistic goals and understanding your limitations helps you to stay real and true to yourself. All you need is to pause and reflect. We all have happy and sad days, positive and negative days, but take them as a part of your life. Do not stress and let the pressure of imperfections go.

6.)  It pushes you to thrive

The day we feel we have become perfect in a skill, do we stop studying it further? The day we feel we make the best coffee? Do we stop experimenting with different flavors and different ways to make coffee? If yes, then so many varieties would no have been added to the list of coffee every day.

The day we stop growing, we cease to exist, what remains to learn, and when we don’t learn new things, how will we grow more?

7.)  It helps you stay in the game

When we accept those little imperfections and embrace them as our own we bring awareness to ourselves and stay in this game called life. We see more room for growth and learning.

We stop comparing ourselves to others and we focus on what we can do or to make our life more meaningful devoid of any pressure and stress to thrive for perfection.

8.)  It helps you to be mindful

How to be ok for being imperfect? By being mindful. When we see ourselves as we are and when we soak into the moment, we go with the flow. We are not judging ourselves, we are not pressurizing ourselves, we are simply being aware of what we can do and what we cannot do.

9.)  It helps you ignore little imperfections around you

When you choose to embrace your imperfections it allows you to see and ignore all the little imperfections around you. You learn to receive and manifest your path towards a stress-free environment.

10.)  It helps you to be you

Many are bought up with higher expectations and standards, which makes digestion imperfection a little difficult. But when we understand that consistent perfection is impossible and it is human nature to make mistakes, we allow ourselves to be perfectly imperfect.

This is the only perfect we need to thrive for, being imperfectly perfect, making mistakes, learning from them, forgiving ourselves for making mistakes. Forgiving self for not being able to do things as per other’s expectations and understand that it’s human to be imperfect. It’s human to make mistakes. People who seek continuous perfection in things feel pride and happiness when things go their way but in the very same way, they get demoralized soon when things go wrong.

So, my dear friends, perfectionism is not a bad thing to thrive for, but not accepting imperfection could possibly put you in a tough spot. Embrace your life and accept that it is ok being imperfect and happy.

Lots of love and gratitude


How to be ok for being imperfect

Priyanka Nair is the author of 26 Days 26 Ways for a Happier you and Ardhaviram. An NLP practitioner and Founder of Sanity Daily, helping you prioritize your mental health. Let’s build a happy community.

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