How Taxing Is Emotional Investment In Relationships?

Emotional investment in relationships is a highly volatile investment subjected to maximum risk as it doesn’t come with terms and conditions manually handy. We put in a lot of ourselves in nurturing and replenishing a relationship close to us but it completely shakes our world when it fails.

In this blog, I am going to talk about how we invest love, our emotions and all the energy in one relationship and abandon every other aspect of our life, and when things fall apart, we are left empty and broken.

What is Emotional Investment in Relationships?

Being an MBA in finance, I have my occasional financial musings. I will try to make you understand this in a little logical manner because the ones who say that you should never see profit and loss in a relationship, haven’t been mugged in the name of love yet.

Emotional investment is like a dream of living in a Disney land, expecting that you will build a castle with your partner one day. You give all your love, energy, devotion and care to that one person in your life, expecting love in return. A long-term investment with a long-term return plan and is not about being conditional but it is human nature to expect, to emotionally attach to someone at a multidimensional level.

emotional investment in relationships

How too much emotional investment in relationships is hazardous to our health?

Too much emotional investment in relationships is hazardous to your mental health if you are the one who gives too much in your relationship if you are the one who goes out of the way to make things work if you are the one who is always emotionally available to pacify your partner and last but not the least if you are tired of being taken for granted all the time.

5 truths About Emotional Investment in Relationships

Here are a few logical truths about emotionally draining relationships, that leave you empty and build a vacuum beyond imagination. And then you just gather all the pieces every day, stand up, show up and then go back to fix your missing pieces. It is like getting sucked by some energy vampire every day and fighting with it at the same time.

1.) No returns guaranteed

No matter how much you invest, there is no guarantee that you will be loved the same way and with the same dedication.

2.) Emotions cannot be quantified

How much is too much in love, how much is too much in being emotionally connected with someone? You can’t explain, you cannot measure the amount of love and emotions you attach to a person and it leaves you rattling.

3.) Subjected to maximum risk

No guarantee, no returns and subjected to high risk. The true virtue of a person is only known under different circumstances.

4.) Liability in the long term

An emotionally drained relationship becomes a mental liability in the long term.

5.) Fluctuating dividend

Fluctuating dividends with no growth opportunities, time to revamp the management of your personal emotions.

3 sane tips to save yourselves from the menace

Now, I learned it a little hard. So here are 3 important things you can do to save your sanity.

1.) Withdraw

Learn to leave things sometimes, you cannot fix it all, you can’t have all the answers and solutions. Don’t take all the pressure and burden to make things work, It is your partner’s duty too.

2.) Diversify

Do not restrict yourself to your duties towards your partner. Invest in yourself, upgrade yourself, upskill yourself. Learn new things and never stop following your passion.

3.) Save your sanity

The best savings you could make for your future self and the only savings you need if you are trapped in a toxic relationship. All the other things will fall in the right place if you’re all right from the inside.

Love and light


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Broken & Beautiful Priyanka Joshi
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