Sanity Daily

5 Reasons Why A Comeback Is Powerful Than A Setback

Our entire life is defined and shaped by our own thought processes. A process that involves our behaviour and reactions. Do you know when a comeback is powerful than a setback? When you mould your thoughts in a way that prepare you to fight back and take charge of your life.

Fighting back is not easy, especially when you hit the rock bottom when all you see is the darkness around you, but it is also the time for you to prepare yourself to come back and face your fears. Fight all the fears and conquer them, one at a time.

a comeback is powerful than a setback

I went through a major setback exactly one year back. My blog Sanity Daily was attacked and targeted by some digital marketer whom I trusted to the core. She did not only left my blog to doom but also made sure I don’t spread the word about her unprofessionalism, so she reached out to our few common contacts and manipulated them.

Being an HSP (Highly sensitive person) it did affect me for a while, she wrote me nasty things, did mean things to me but I never replied to her, I observed everything from a distance, took my time, sat and slept on what happened. Then, I channelised my whole energy into rebuilding myself. I took this as an opportunity to do things in different ways and start fresh. Leaving everything in past.

I found another person to help me fix the blog, learned a few things, worked really hard to bring back the lost position of my blog and, today my blog ranks among the top 25 mental health blogs in India and have made it to many other such listings (organically).

I started earning through my blog by being consistent and writing what my readers wanted to read. Next month, my mental health blog Sanity Daily will be completing its second year in this digital space with more than 2,70,000 page views and readers across 60 countries.

So yes, a comeback is powerful than a setback but we have to work on it, we have to ignore a lot in the process. We have picked up our fights wisely. We have to be very mindful of our choices, if I had put my energy in literally fighting back with her, emailing her, stalking her, trying to understand why she did what she did, maybe I would have lost it altogether. Trust me, she had provoked me a lot.

I worked on my comeback because I did not sign up just to blabber on a digital medium, I have taken up a cause in my hand, people need help, people need listening and sharing, so I kept moving.

Now, with the divorce process happening with me, I am somewhere in between a setback and a comeback, but I see a silver lining, a ray of hope, that although things are tough today it will be better tomorrow. And, I am working on that.

A comeback is powerful than a setback

5 Reasons Why A Comeback Is Powerful Than A Setback

A comeback is powerful than a setback because it transforms a lot inside you. It is not always the physical weight we carry makes us feel heavy, it is also the mental baggage, the baggage of past that makes us feel heavier.

We must work on them, we might not get the closer as we desire but we might get some peace for ourselves and prepare for better things ahead. Here are a few reasons that will help you understand why a comeback is powerful than a setback.

1.) It helps you define better boundaries

When you trust people blindly, sometimes they take undue advantage out of it. When you can’t say NO you are taken for granted.

2.) You learn to see through things and people

With each setback you encounter, you develop new optics, to see the world around you, to see the people around you.

3.) You take calculative risks

Perhaps, by now you know what your choices will lead you to. You analyse, calculate and then move ahead with your personal and professional choices.

4.) You become familiar with the pain and its process of healing

The process helps you gain different perspective, through which you might as well be able to guide others, sailing in the same boat. Nothing beats a real-life personal experience to help others.

5.) It helps you build better relations with others and yourselves

A comeback is powerful than a setback when you allow yourself to be vulnerable and take time off. It not only helps you to build strong relationships with you but with others as well.

There are countless tales of individuals who endured failure after failure and then went on to win the game called life. The struggle is hard, dealing with pain is harder but doesn’t this whole process makes it more meaningful?

Why should we wait for someone to clap for us, why should we wait for someone to guide us , mentor us. How about clapping for ourselves? How about being our biggest fan and start rooting for ourselves first?Β  Remember, a comeback is powerful than a setback, start planning for your big win. Rise up!

Love and light


a comeback is powerful than a setback

Priyanka Nair is the author of 26 Days 26 Ways for a Happier you and Ardhaviram. An NLP practitioner and Founder of Sanity Daily, helping you prioritize your mental health. Let’s build a happy community.

This blog post is part of the blog challenge β€˜Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla and sponsored by Queen’s Brigade.

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34 Responses

  1. Such wonderful words and so very well written. More power to you. I have seen you go through the trouble with your website and today when I see you grow it makes me feel so proud of you.

  2. So proud of your Priyanka. I wish you all the happiness and more and more strength to deal with everything.

  3. I thought that you had something like this going on, therefore, mentioned a hint in the letter that you have me as a listening ear. Do use that if you feel like. Lots of love and power to you!

  4. Power pack post full of hope and positivity. Thank you for writing this. We are all with you (for the hint you mentioned in your post). More power to you and blog.

  5. What a motivational post. Fighting with your inner self is tougher than outside enemies. But, you’ve done it so beautifully. I must appreciate your positive attitude and outlook as well. More power to you and your blog.

  6. What a powerful piece, Priyanka! It has been quite inspiring to know what’s happening behind the scenes and how you have chosen to respond to it. More power to you.

  7. This is the one of the worst things that can happen.So glad you came out of this shining. When people we love or trust do such things it hurts us the most. But you are right – we need to pick our battles and focus on what is the important or right for us. Do reach out if you feel the need to talk or share.
    On another note, would you be interested to speak to my students about this – they may benefit from this by knowing how things can go wrong on a digital platform. Do reach out to me.

  8. More power to you Priyanka, really it’s not easy to face your own fears and then if toxic people are around it is really difficult to cope up but I am glad that you did it girl despite of all odds. That’s the spirit. Keep rising! Keep shining!

  9. So grave of you to share your experience in your blog Priyanka and inspire many others who face the same. Definitely comeback is powerful. Congratulations on your achievements

  10. You are a motivation and yes as u said it is important that we do not sit crying on the wounds we suffered instead move ahead. Such a beautifully writing.

  11. This is such a powerful and honest post, Priyanka. You have always been an inspiration, not letting setbacks put you down. I am sure it is not easy, but sharing your experiences has always helped other take that step too. More power to you, dear.

  12. You are right. Fighting back is not easy, but a comeback is a tight slap on those who try to put you down. So proud of you, Beta. God bless you.

  13. Your words always motivate me Priyanka. No wonder you have so many readers all over world. Keep writing and sharing your power and positivity with your readers.

  14. very thoughtful.. I immerse myself in the setback during the course of it, but certainly when I look back the comeback looks powerful.. your introspection is really impressive..

  15. Congratulations on your spectacular comeback Priyanka! I guess now I understand where your request for talking on cyber-bullying came from. Glad you got over that difficult period and emerged stronger.

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