Wellness Among Working Professionals | The Ignored Territory – Voice of Vibhu

Wellness among working professionals is seldom highlighted when we talk about overall or even targeted forms of fitness. As a result, a large chunk of people start suffering on various fronts.

In this fast-paced world and chaotic life, there is no denying the fact of how dependent we have made ourselves on technology. All the more, worrying is the fact that countless people are engaged in feeding the technological monster day in and out. Somewhere in between what gets ignored is our overall wellness.

Wellness Among Working Professionals, To Be Or Not To Be! 

Having been working and somehow surviving in the IT industry for the last nine years, it hit me quite hard how we keep downplaying and ignoring our health all throughout. What starts as an excuse becomes a habit.

The structure around which we revolve is formulated to be so complex, that we hardly ever realize what’s more to the world and our beautiful lives. The quest to understand and analyze the vicious circle gave me certain insights.

With the same thoughts and intent as I had for my transformation, let me take you on a journey of revelations.

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The Healthy Way Of Being Well

In simple terms, wellness means being healthy. To categorize it further, it involves the physical, mental, emotional, and social state of a person. Any habit that contributes to health, peace, and stability rightly attributed to wellness. Therefore, if you are at peace with yourself you are healthy in a lot of ways.

Health is all about being active physically and mentally, eating right, and being content and happy. The most important factors go hand in hand not just for wellness among working professionals but anybody. Ignoring one can be disastrous for the other beyond imagination. It is as important to appear healthy as it is to feel it deep within. Therefore, it is rightly advised to maintain a balance between all the contributing factors.

Wellness among working professionals

A Fleeting Glance At The Wellness Trends Among Working Professionals 

As evident, the growing trend of emotional dis-balance along with rising levels of anxiety in working professionals has formed the basis of numerous studies conducted worldwide in recent years. The expectations have skyrocketed many folds. As per Robert Walter’s Whitepaperalarming statistics stare us in the face.

56% of professionals think their employer doesn’t do enough to support health and well-being.
76% of professionals would value flexible work options as part of a workplace wellness program.
Workplace wellness is a $48 billion industry as per the Global Wellness Institute studies.
Alarmingly, as per the same Global Wellness Study, only 10% of the world’s workers have access to workplace wellness programs and services. Interestingly, the majority is concentrated in North America and Europe.

The Corporate sector is quite cruel in this regard. Every technocrat has a huge burden to carry. Constant up-gradation, work pressure, odd working hours, and the pressure to deliver to name a few. The momentum can’t be broken for there are costs involved. Henceforth, the grim reality staring us in the face is of an unfit and unsatisfied workforce.

Major Health Concerns Among Working Professionals 

The dynamic culture of round-the-clock and rotation have been the biggest contributors in this regard. Overutilized resources and ill-managed systems can be seen everywhere. Any level of stress can neither be good nor productive, personally or professionally. Consequently, people end up suffering unknowingly and feel trapped.

Here are some common physical ailments affecting the young and middle-aged workforce across the globe likewise.


It is the formation of blood clots that may lead to strokes. It is highly advisable to maintain mobility all throughout the work hours. Frequent stretches, fetching water, and loo breaks serve the purpose well.

Heart Disease 

A sedentary lifestyle is a major contributor to this cause and has claimed many lives during the pandemic as well. At the work desk or the commute vehicle, the situation remains the same. Utilize those breaks wisely for they count. And if you have been skipping them voluntarily, it’s time for a reality check.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This happens when the major nerve in the wrist gets compressed due to constant physical stress. The situation is common in people working out (excessively) with weights and on computers. I would personally advise each one of you to be extra cautious for the pain and discomfort is beyond expression. I have been a victim myself.

Vitamin D Deficiency

A common phenomenon with people spending days and nights indoors and disregarding one of the most important elements of life. The structure of a Corporate setup would never encourage you to live but to drag. So decide for yourself what your purpose in regards to life is. It is very important to fix our lifestyle and eating habits to supplement our bodily requirements appropriately.

Anxiety And Stress 

Managing crises and fighting disasters are routine for any working professional. Add to it the lack of personal time and space due to extended work and commute hours with the addition of the pandemic now leading to crazy mood swings and recurring stress.

It is quite important to feel energetic both physically and mentally and connect with the most important aspects of life like family, self, and surroundings. Do yourself a favour and push the reboot button for a change.

Physical Ailments 

Lack of physical activity and static postures may lead to lower back pains and other concerns like spondylitis, neck sprains, and eye strain. Hence, it becomes all the more important to be aware of the ergonomic practices to stay in the right physical shape.

Also Read: 9 Easy Yoga Asanas for Mental Well-Being

Social And Emotional Strings 

Of all the reasons for wellness among working professionals, these are the least mentioned or talked about. However, they carry as much weight as the physical aspects of wellness do. An emotionally stable and socially content employee can do wonders for the organization. But the irony is quite contrasting not for one but various reasons.

The Pressure of lagging behind in the absence of appropriate skill upgrades that are never-ending and ever-demanding.
Alienation amongst colleagues and lack of communication due to enforced politics and disparity in recognition.
Zero margins for error and unjustified work pressure.
Ignored respect for personal space and time in the form of untimely calls and support requests which translate to sin if ignored.
Suppressed thoughts and lack of freedom to voice concerns.

The whole structure stands on a fragile foundation of compromises and sacrifices.

Simple And Inexpensive Remedies 

  • Start with setting expectations with yourself and your peers about your wellness.
  • Respect your mind and body alike.
  • Take frequent breaks at work and relax.
  • Treat yourself with quality self and family time.
  • Shake a leg and break a sweat.
  • Spread on job wellness awareness.
  • Smile for it’s effortless.
  • Indulge in something creative to appreciate the beauty of life.
  • Stop worrying and cribbing for you are much better than many.
  • Practice yoga, ride a bicycle to work, play your favourite sport… stay focused and sharp.

Wellness For The Employers 

Any organization showing concern for its employees always gets the brownie points. Welfare and prosperity are decisive in helping employees take their pick. Moreover, offering something expected can attract as well as retain talent. Wellness among working professionals leads to a healthy workforce that not only saves expenditure on health-related absences but also contributes to productivity. Balance and growth are the adhesives for a professional to stick around.

At the organizational level, planning and effective implementation of employee-friendly policies need to be taken up. Support and discussion groups to motivate them to express themselves can do wonders. Healthy lifestyle habits should be included in the core culture of the organization to bring about overall wellness.

Life is neither a race nor a war. If you can’t be motivated to be happy and sound, every piece of advice is a waste. You chose this profession and the baggage that comes along, but nobody can force you to lose control of your health and peace. Remember, needs are always few, it is the desires that don’t let us rest.

A techie by profession, Vibhu Gaur is a hardcore blogger, poet, fitness enthusiast, and avid traveller. He founded CrazyPedals to promote cycling as a healthy and happy lifestyle change globally. His words resonate with his high spirits and a call to live life to the fullest.

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