Impact of a Good Boss on Your Mental Health: Positive Bossing

Is your boss impacting your mental health? There is a higher sense of the impact of a good boss on your mental health. It could serve as a catalyst for positive psychological well-being, while if you end up with an insecure or controlling boss, it can have negative effects on your self-esteem and overall mental well-being.

Research suggests that for almost 70% of people, their manager has more impact on their mental health than their therapist or their doctor—and it’s equal to the impact of their partner.

In this blog, we will explore the impact a good boss can have on mental health, as well as the negative consequences that can arise from working under a boss who exhibits nasty or controlling behaviour.

Impact of a good boss on your mental health:

Clear communication is the key. We work towards the same mission and vision of the organisation and aligning the intention is a daily practice we must follow at any workplace. A boss who exhibits qualities such as empathy, understanding, and effective communication, within healthy boundaries can significantly contribute to the mental well-being of their employees and help them perform better.  Here are some ways in which a supportive boss positively affects mental health:

1) Boosted Self-Esteem: I found myself with the most abusive, insecure and narcissistic boss in my first job, she killed my inner shine every day and just loved putting me down in every way possible. The only reason I could comprehend – she took 20 years to be in the position she was and I sat next to her in my early 20s just fresh out of an MBA.

She was experienced and talented, and all I needed from her was guidance and training but I had to leave that job within 6 months and had to face criticism from people around me for not sticking enough. It crushed my self-esteem and I still get reminded of it time and then by my relatives who have no idea what I was dealing with at that point in time.

It would have been a different story if she had helped me by recognising the efforts I made and providing constructive feedback to improve my performance. It happens to many of us and some individuals never regain their lost balance.

2) Enhanced Job Satisfaction: A supportive boss creates a positive work environment that fosters job satisfaction. When employees feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to experience a sense of fulfilment and happiness in their roles. This, in turn, has a positive impact on mental well-being and overall job performance.

3) Safe Space: A positive manager is also a leader who can choose to lead by example and be the torch-bearer for positive bossing. If your line manager can help you feel safe expressing your concerns and challenges at the workplace you can thrive in your job role.

We need leaders who not only know how to make people work towards the organisation’s mission but also provide space and resources to their employees to help them perform better. This has a significant impact of a good boss on your mental health.

4) Open Communication Channels: Adding to the safe space, a boss who has open and transparent communication, makes employees feel comfortable discussing any work-related concerns or personal challenges they may be facing.

5) Work-Life Balance: A mindful boss understands the importance of work-life balance for himself as well as supports their employees in achieving it. This allows individuals to maintain a healthy equilibrium between their professional and personal lives, leading to improved mental health and reduced burnout.

The Detrimental Effects of an Insecure or Controlling Boss

Now that we have discussed the positive impact of a good boss on your mental health, let’s see what happens when you end up with the opposite one. Ending up having a boss as I had in my first job, a boss who exhibits nasty or controlling behaviour can have severe negative consequences on your mental health. Here are some ways in which a toxic boss can impact mental well-being:

  • Diminished Self-Esteem: This constant negative feedback erodes self-esteem and confidence, leading to self-doubt and a sense of inadequacy.
  • Increased Stress: A toxic boss often creates a hostile work environment filled with excessive pressure, unrealistic demands, and constant micromanagement. This leads to heightened levels of stress, anxiety, and even feelings of powerlessness among employees.
  • No Freedom of Creativity: Controlling bosses tend to restrict their employees’ every move, leaving little room for autonomy or creative expression. This stifles innovation, reduces job satisfaction, and negatively impacts mental well-being.
  • Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout: The constant strain of working under a nasty or controlling boss can result in emotional exhaustion and burnout. Employees may experience fatigue, cynicism, and detachment, significantly impacting their mental health and overall quality of life.

End note…

The impact of a good boss on your mental health is substantial. A good boss who fosters a supportive and nurturing work environment can contribute positively to their employees’ mental well-being, increasing job satisfaction, self-esteem, and overall happiness. On the other hand, a nasty or controlling boss can severely diminish mental well-being, causing stress, anxiety, and a range of negative emotions. We can choose how we want to be treated by treating others right, with some boundaries and discipline.

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