How Living With Courage and Determination Helps Me : Voice of Sivaranjini

Courage is a tool that keeps us moving and respect is something we can give each other to help them move ahead in life. The day we all live in a society where we all respect fellow human beings, not based on their gender, the degrees they have, the jobs they do, or the salary they earn, life will be much better and more beautiful.

Uncertainty of life is something every one of us can relate to in the times of now when the entire world is fighting against a mutating virus.

Every individual must take responsibility for conveying words of hope, concern, courage, and encouragement to people around them. We never know, but sometimes our kind words can heal someone in pain.

Why do we need courage?

Today, as we all know, the world is an ocean of opportunity to every young soul, ready to strive and achieve their goal.

We must offer students a broader perspective of education, they should know the goal of education, rather than just knowledge.

No exam, no number, and no position can be an accurate measure of a person’s potential and ability. Every student reading this post must realize the truth behind the fact that nothing in life is bigger than life.

It is undoubtedly painful to see dreams getting shattered, but to gather willpower and courage and reach our goal despite the obstacle in life is when life becomes purposeful.

A particular profession or field is not the ultimate way to survive and today, if there is a will, there are infinite right ways. It is important to understand that, if we do what we love to do, with persistence and dedication, we will eventually find success in life.

A thirteen-year-old professional baker running her own business, several successful content creators, YouTubers earning well, a sixth-grade girl becoming a successful author, a seventh-grade student developing an app approved by Google, and the list of such inspiring people is long and keeps growing immensely.

We should explain to students that when their dreams and aspirations do not happen the way they thought, it is that they must learn to reshape and reconstruct their path towards their ultimate destination.

Also read: How To Be Successful In Life? 


Do not forget your life, and your journey is your gift to the world.

Apart from this, to build our career on our strengths, we need to improve our skills. As it would help us to sharpen our talents and will make our journey towards our goal much easier to achieve. Education is continuous improvement, and there is only a beginning to such progress and no end. If we can progress just a step forward and be better than who we were yesterday, then we are in the right direction, and the entire purpose of education is to help students realize their potential.

Never give a thought to giving up.

As your life is the soil on which you build your dreams, and if you believe in yourself and your journey, your success will be an unambiguous reality.

As a volunteer teacher working for an NGO involved in educating the students of rural India, it is my opinion that a common examination should be in such a way that it benefits every student who aspires to build a career, they dream of and work hard for and should not an opportunity available, to only those students who can afford for it.

Education is the guiding light and the only way out for some students to bridge the gap between their dreams and reality. Do not allow the shadow of self-doubt and uncertainty to hinder their path of life.

 Words for your soul

Courage is power!

Courage is strength!

Courage is hope!

Courage is intuition!

Courage is a belief!

Courage isn’t the end of the game, but it is the spark of light that brightens the path of life and does not allow you to pause until you embrace the cause that is ingrained in your soul.

Achamillai, achamillai, acham enbadhu illaye,

Uchi meedhu vaan idinthu veezkindra podhilum,

Achamillai, achamillai, acham enbadhu illaye, must be the attitude towards life as the great poet Barathiyar said.

Fear not, fear not, fear not, Despite the sky crashing over the summit, Fear not, fear not, fear not.


Sivaranjini is a teacher by passion and believes educating rural children in India can change their lives for a better tomorrow. She also blogs about self-improvement where she shares inspirational stories. Check out her food technology blog here SivaLiveonBlog and self-improvement blog: RanjiniBlogspot

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Broken & Beautiful Priyanka Joshi
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Ardhaviram by Priyanka Joshi Nair
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